  • 职  称:副教授
    导  师:硕士生导师,博士生导师
    研究方向: 1. 多孔聚合物膜 2. 人工水通道 3. 海水淡化


1. 多孔聚合物膜 2. 人工水通道 3. 海水淡化


2021.12至今            海南大学,副教授    

2020.11–2021.10  法国国家科学研究中心,助理工程师

2018.12–2021.11  法国蒙彼利埃大学,材料物理与化学,博士(导师:Mihail Barboiu)

2016.09–2021.06  中山大学,有机化学,博士(导师:Jean-Marie Lehn / 潘梅)

2012.09–2016.06  中山大学,化学,学士


1. 海南大学高层次人才科研启动基金:共价有机框架仿生膜研究,2022.01–2026.12,80万元,主持;

2. 国家重点研发计划:自具孔聚合物膜材料的关键技术,2022.11–2025.10,1000万元,课题骨干;

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于杯芳烃染料和二氧化钛的有机-无机杂化材料的制备及其光催化性能研究,2020.01–2023.12,65万元,参与;

4. 法国国家科研署:Canaux d'eau artificiels - vers des biomimétiques d'Aquaporine – Waterchannels,2018.09–2022.08,36万欧元,参与。


1. L.-B. Huang, F. Mamiya, M. Baaden, E. Yashima, M. Barboiu. Self-assembling peptide-appended metallomacrocycle pores for selective water translocation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15, 40133–40139.

2. L.-B. Huang, A. Hardiagon, I. Kocsis, C.-A. Jegu, M. Deleanu, A. Gilles, A. van der Lee, F. Sterpone, M. Baaden, M. Barboiu. Hydroxy channels–Adaptive pathways for selective water cluster permeation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 11, 4224–4233.

3. L.-B. Huang, M. Di Vincenzo, M. G. Ahunbay, A. van der Lee, D. Cot, S. Cerneaux, G. Maurin, M. Barboiu. Bilayer versus polymeric artificial water channel membranes–Structural determinants for enhanced filtration performances. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 35, 14386–14393.

4. L.-B. Huang, M. Di Vincenzo, Y. Li, M. Barboiu. Artificial water channels: towards biomimetic membranes for desalination. Chemistry – A European Journal 2020, 27, 2224–2239.

5. L.-B. Huang, P.-Y. Su, J.-M. Liu, J.-F. Huang, Y.-F. Chen, S. Qin, J. Guo, Y.-W. Xu, C.-Y. Su. Interface engineering of perovskite solar cells with multifunctional polymer interlayer toward improved performance and stability. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 378, 483–490.

6. W.-Z. Wang, L.-B. Huang, S.-P. Zheng, E. Moulin, O. Gavat, M. Barboiu, N. Giuseppone. Light-driven molecular motors boost the selective transport of alkali metal ions through phospholipid bilayers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 15653–15660.

7. S.-P. Zheng, L.-B. Huang, Z. Sun, M. Barboiu. Self‐assembled artificial ion‐channels toward natural selection of functions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 566–597.

8. P.-Y. Su, L.-B. Huang, J.-M. Liu, Y.-F. Chen, L.-M. Xiao, D.-B. Kuang, M. Mayor, C.-Y. Su. A multifunctional poly-N-vinylcarbazole interlayer in perovskite solar cells for high stability and efficiency: a test with new triazatruxene-based hole transporting materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5, 1913–1918.

9. A. Hardiagon, S. Murail, L.-B. Huang, A. van der Lee, F. Sterpone, M. Barboiu, M. Baaden. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal statistics and microscopic mechanisms of water permeation in membrane-embedded artificial water channel nanoconstructs. Journal of Chemical Physics 2021, 154, 184102.

10. M. Di Vincenzo, A. Tiraferri, V.-E. Musteata, S. Chisca, R. Sougrat, L.-B. Huang, S. P. Nunes, M. Barboiu. Biomimetic artificial water channel membranes for enhanced desalination. Nature Nanotechnology 2021, 16, 190–196.

11. Y. Mao; M. Zhang, L. Cheng, J. Yuan, G. Liu, L. Huang, M. Barboiu, W. Jin. Bola-amphiphile-imidazole embedded GO membrane with enhanced solvent dehydration properties. Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 595, 117545.

12. Y.-F. Chen, J.-F. Huang, M.-H. Shen, J.-M. Liu, L.-B. Huang, Y.-H. Zhong, S. Qin, J. Guo, C.-Y. Su. A porous hybrid material based on calixarene dye and TiO2 demonstrating high and stable photocatalytic performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 19852–19861.

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