  • 职  称:副教授
    导  师:博导/硕导
    研究方向: 生命/环境/食品安全快检技术的开发;功能半导体材料的制备;应用电化学(电化学传感、光电化学传感、柔性可穿戴传感器、电催化等)







Chemosensors特刊客座编辑; Analytica Chimica Acta, Talanta, Chemical Communications, Analyst等期刊审稿人。






付亚敏,博士,副教授,海南省自由贸易港D类人才”,中国化学会会员;20226月于湖南大学获得理学博士学位20227月加入海南大学先进功能多孔材料团队。长期从事应用电化学方面的研究,包括电化学传感、光电化学传感、柔性可穿戴传感器、电催化等。针对现有检测技术存在的选择性差、稳定性差等关键问题,通过新型功能材料的制备与合成,融入电化学技术,开发了一系列新型的检测技术,服务于临床疾病诊断、环境监测、食品安全等领域。作为项目负责人先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、海南省高层次人才项目等。在Anal. Chem., Biosens. Bioelectron., Chem. Commun., Anal. Chim. Acta等高水平期刊上发表SCI论文十余篇。












1Fu, Y.; Fan, B.; Chang, S.; Guo, D.; Wang, F.; Pan, Q., An ultrasensitive photoelectrochemical assay for tumor necrosis factor-alpha based on hollow CdS cubes as a signal generator and NiCo2O4-Au as a signal extinguisher. Analyst 2023, 148, 4746-4752.

2Fu, Y.; Du, C.; Zhang, Q.; Xiao, K.; Zhang, X.; Chen, J., Colorimetric and photocurrent-polarity-switching photoelectrochemical dual-mode sensing platform for highly selective detection of mercury ions based on the split G-quadruplex-hemin complex. Analytical Chemistry 2022, 94, 15040-15047.

3Fu, Y.; Xiao, K.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, X.; Du, C.; Chen, J., Highly selective photoelectrochemical assay of arsenate based on magnetic Co3O4-Fe3O4 cubes and negative background signal strategy. Analytical Chemistry 2022, 94, 1874-1881.

4Fu, Y.; Xiao, K.; Zhang, X.; Du, C.; Chen, J., Peptide cleavage-mediated and environmentally friendly photocurrent polarity switching system for prostate-specific antigen assay. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93 (2), 1076-1083.

5Fu, Y.; Yu, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, X.; Du, C.; Chen, J., A photocurrent-polarity-switching biosensor for highly selective assay of mucin 1 based on target-induced hemin transfer from ZrO2 hollow spheres to G-quadruplex nanowires. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2021, 192, 113547.

6Fu, Y.; Zou, K.; Liu, M.; Zhang, X.; Du, C.; Chen, J., Highly selective and sensitive photoelectrochemical sensing platform for VEGF165 assay based on the switching of photocurrent polarity of CdS QDs by porous Cu2O-CuO flower. Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92 (1), 1189-1196.

7Fu, Y.; Ding, F.; Chen, J.; Liu, M.; Zhang, X.; Du, C.; Si, S., Label-free and near-zero-background-noise photoelectrochemical assay of methyltransferase activity based on a Bi2S3/Ti3C2 Schottky junction. Chemical Communications 2020, 56 (43), 5799-5802.

8Yu, Q.‡; Fu, Y.‡; Xiao, K.; Zhang, X.; Du, C.; Chen, J., A label-free photoelectrochemical biosensor with ultra-low-background noise for lead ion assay based on the Cu2O-CuO-TiO2 heterojunction. Analytica Chimica Acta 2022, 1195, 339456.

9Fu, Y.; Huang, D.; Li, C.; Zou, L.; Ye, B., Graphene blended with SnO2 and Pd-Pt nanocages for sensitive non-enzymatic electrochemical detection of H2O2 released from living cells. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018, 1014, 10-18.

10Fu, Y.; Wang, L.; Duan, Y.; Zou, L.; Ye, B., Facile synthesized SnO2 decorated functionalized graphene modified electrode for sensitive determination of daidzein. Talanta 2017, 168, 1-9.

11Fu, Y.; Wang, L.; Huang, D.; Zou, L.; Ye, B., A new calcium germanate-graphene nanocomposite modified electrode as efficient electrochemical sensor for determination of daphnetin. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2017, 801, 77-83.

12付亚敏; 闫小霞; 张小华; 陈金华, 基于催化发卡自组装和Ru(NH4)63+的核酸光电化学灵敏分析. 电化学 2019, 25(2), 232-243.

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